
Excalibur Screwbolts & Ford Mentoring Programme

Excalibur Screwbolts takes advantage of Ford mentoring programme

Local company credited with contributing to Ship of the Year

Essex marine automation company Servowatch personally thanked by Dutch Sea Rescue Institution

Revolutionary water saving toilet flush system being developed in Essex

Basildon based company successfully raises £2.6m for their water saving product

Innovative and strong Automotive sector

Essex plays an important part in the automotive supply chain and has an established cluster of top tier p

Tips on accessing European Funding

Accessing European Funding

Are you a Creative Entrepreneur?

Free workshops available in Colchester to help launch businesses

Demystifying European Funding - A Free Event

Innovative Essex businesses are invited to learn more about the European funding available and apply

Technology Strategy Board Launches £5 Million Innovation in Location-Based Services

£5million of funding available for location based services from the TSB

Grants Available for Childcare Businesses

Up to £500 grants are available for those in the Childcare Industry

£2,000 for small to medium businesses to grow

Growth Vouchers are being offered to eligible businesses for development.