Access to finance schemes that support entrepreneurs
StartUp Loan Scheme: Provides advice and start-up finance (around £2,500) for 18-30 year olds looking to start and grow their own businesses. Further details can be found at:
Business Finance Partnership (BFP): Government has invited the first round of proposals to help businesses access non-bank finance through the BFP, and has allocated £100 million of the BFP to invest through non-traditional lending channels that can reach smaller businesses, which could include peer-to-peer platforms and supply chain financing. Further details on BFP can be found at:
Enterprise Finance Guarantee (EFG) scheme: Providing, subject to demand, up to £2bn of additional lending. Budget 2012 announced measures to incentivise lenders to lend more to smaller businesses by raising the level of lenders’ EFG portfolios to which the Government guarantee applies from 13% to 20 % for 2012/13. Further details can be found at:
Government’s Enterprise Capital Funds programme: Providing for more than £300m of venture capital investment to address the equity gap for early stage innovative SMEs with the highest growth potential. Eleven funds have been launched since 2006 and more than £150m invested in companies. Further details can be found at:
Business Angel Co Investment Fund: The £50m Fund invests with syndicates of business angels who are interested in investing in SMEs in qualifying areas of England. Further details can be found at:
UK export finance: Provides trade credit insurance to exporters and guarantees to banks to support UK exports. Since May 2010, UKEF has supported over £235m of export contracts under its short-term products, while providing support of £6.6 billion across its entire product range. Further information can be found at: or call the customer helpline on:.
GrowthAccelerator: A premium service that will help up to 26,000 SMEs achieve their high growth potential over three years. Working with an experienced coach, qualifying businesses will receive a focused growth plan, masterclasses, networking and peer to peer support from a high growth community. SMEs can also benefit from developing their leadership and management capability. Further details can be found at:
New Enterprise Allowance: Help for unemployed people who want to start a business, with an emphasis on sustainability and growth potential. It is available to people aged 18 and over who have been claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) for three months or more. The NEA has been available across Great Britain since the end of August 2011. Performance data to the end of February 2012 shows that 12,050 claimants have started working with a NEA business mentor and 4,560 claimants have started claiming the NEA weekly allowance. Further details can be found at:
Get Mentoring is a public/private sector partnership, grant assisted by BIS and GEO and led by the Small Firms Development Initiative, to recruit 15,000 volunteer business mentors. Further details can be found at:
Source: Department for Business, Innovation & Skills